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Application for Diversion Services

Diversions consist of a one-time payment of $2,000 and are limited to one per year and up to 10 per lifetime. Those that receive a Diversion can apply for a monthly cash grant after the first day of the month, three months from the date that the payment was received.

Diversion Services are available to families with biological or adopted children and pregnant women.  

To avoid delays in determining eligibility, applications must be complete and the following documentation must be submitted:

  • Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) for at least one person in the family unit.
  • Social Security Card for each person in the family unit.
  • State-Certified Birth Certificate for each person in the family unit.
  • Verification of all earned and unearned income for the last 60 days. For income that is received periodically on an ongoing basis (ex. per capita, dividends, etc.), verification must also be submitted. This is required even if the income was last received more than 60 days prior to application submission.
  • Families with one parent out of the home must provide verification that the children live in the home with them at least 51% of the time. Verification must be in the form of a Parenting Plan or Custody Order.   
  • Families who have children, ages 6 through 18 years, must submit proof of school enrollment. This requirement does not apply to families who apply over summer break.

For all Required documentation, please ask if you need assistance in acquiring or do not understand what is that you must provide. All applications and documentation can be submitted by emailing to

If you would prefer to download and print this application to submit by email or in person, please click here.